Another Phlebology Award 2024
All presentations are included in the evaluation of the Another Phlebology Award (500 Euro), regardless of the age and status of the author(s). This will be presented at the end of the meeting.
This award was first given at our 3rd meeting in 2019, and the winner was René Milleret.
In the evaluation, how new the information is plays an important role. For a more precise judgement we are introducing what we call the Novelty Factor:
The Novelty Factor is a new evaluation possibility from one point of view, tries to assess how innovative the topic of the presentation is. Has it already been published in other conferences, or in a journal? Does it bring a change in everyday practice? Is it suitable for a colleague to try when they get home?
Does the modification reported here cause a minor or major change in the diagnostic or therapeutic results? Or a new starting point for further research?
In the evaluation process, both the presenter and the audience will participate.