Hungarian Venous Forum


Another Phlebology

4th International Workshop



13th Balkan Venous Forum meeting


With the support of UIP


4-5 October 2024

Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill, Budapest, Hungary

New observations and modifications in the field of phlebology

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Welcome Message

On behalf of the Hungarian Venous Forum, the Hungarian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery and the Balkan Venous Forum it is a great pleasure to invite you to join us at our international meeting, the Another Phlebology Symposium.

This is the 4th occasion that we are organising this stimulating meeting, getting together to discuss some fresh and useful ideas within phlebology.

The previous ones in 2014, 2017 and 2019 were very successful, and inspired us to turn this into a series of meetings in Budapest. Our aim is a little different from that of other conferences. We prefer to speak about very innovative and unknown things, rather than prove topics which have already been proved many times before. This means we would like to discuss both recent observations, works in progress without strong supportive evidence, and other things not really new, but not yet mainstream in our discipline.

At the same time, we intend to keep these presentations practical. There are ideas used only by a few colleagues, which could be beneficial for many patients. We are also looking for some non-evidence-based dogmas, and trying to get rid of them.

We are very glad that our region, which previously lagged behind western countries in terms of phlebology, has become so active and creative in the last few decades. Most of the presentations are from this region.

We are happy to award the best presentation at the end of the meeting.

We invite you to Budapest, one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. There are a lot of museums, archaeological findings, classical concerts, theatres, special Hungarian restaurants, pubs, excursions and walking tour possibilities, thermal baths, stunning view from various points of the city.

We hope you enjoy your time here!


Dr. Imre Bihari
Chair of the Conference
Tanja Rucigaj
President of BVF

Abstract Submission Instructions

Dear colleague you are encouraged to submit an abstract of original research paper for oral or poster presentation. If you deal with venous diseases, have personal observations, innovations, studies, experience, or special cases then the 4th Another Phlebology workshop has been arranged just for you.

We prefer works which are original and were not presented at any other meetings or not widely accepted. 

We require abstracts for all presentations including invited speakers and symposium programs.

There is no limit on the number of abstracts an individual may submit.

We ask the following structure of the abstract: 

  • Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions 

The text body should be between 400 and 500 words

This can contain tables, figures and references.

Every abstract will be published in English in the Hungarian Journal of Vascular Diseases.

All presentations are included in the evaluation of the Another Phlebology Award (500 Euro), regardless of the age and degree of the author(s). This will be handed over at the end of the meeting.

Please, send your abstract to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline: 15 June 2024

Another Phlebology Award 2024

All presentations are included in the evaluation of the Another Phlebology Award (500 Euro), regardless of the age and status of the author(s). This will be presented at the end of the meeting.

This award was first given at our 3rd meeting in 2019, and the winner was René Milleret.

In the evaluation, how new the information is plays an important role. For a more precise judgement we are introducing what we call the Novelty Factor:

The Novelty Factor is a new evaluation possibility from one point of view, tries to assess how innovative the topic of the presentation is. Has it already been published in other conferences, or in a journal? Does it bring a change in everyday practice? Is it suitable for a colleague to try when they get home? 

Does the modification reported here cause a minor or major change in the diagnostic or therapeutic results? Or a new starting point for further research?

In the evaluation process, both the presenter and the audience will participate.

Scientific Program of the 4th Another Phlebology Congress
Budapest, Hungary
4-5 October, 2024








8.00 - 9.00   Hands-on workshop. Attila Puskas (Romania): US examination of deep and perforating veins. (Separate registration required)
    Opening ceremony. Keynote lectures (Chair: A Nicolaides, I Bihari)
9.00 - 9.20 1.1 Welcome. What is Novelty Factor?  Imre Bihari (Hungary)
9.20 - 9.40 1.2 Highlights and Controversies in the 2024 International  Guidelines on VTE.  Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
9.40 - 10.00 1.3 Venous Guidelines of the AVF. Peter Gloviczki (USA)
    Pathophysiology. US diagnosis (Chair: P Gloviczki, A Giannoukas)
10.00 - 10.12 2. 1 Venous Circulation in the Space. Monika Gloviczki (USA)
10.12 . 10.24 2.2 Duplex Immediately Following Thermal Truncal Ablation Should Not  Be Performed. Lowell Kabnick (USA)
10.24 - 10.36 2.3 Intermingling of Hemodynamic and Cell Pathology Components in  the Pathomechanism of the Lower Extremity Chronic Venous Disease. György Nádasy (Hungary)
10.36 - 10.48 2.4 The Story of the Unforgiving Vein - or How toTreat the Popliteal Fossa Perforating Vein.  Frantisek Zernovicky (Slovakia)
10.48 - 11.00 2.5 Popliteal Vein Entrapment Syndrome: Report of Three Recent Cases  with our Institutional Experience. Yohei Yamamoto (Japan)
11.00 - 11.12 2.6 What Flows Within the Solidified Glue? Imre Bihari (Hungary)
11.12 - 11. 15   Discussion
11.15 - 11.40   Coffee break
    Surgical and endovenous interventions on varicose veins (Chair: F Zernoviczki, G Menyhei)
11.40 - 11.52 3.1 New Superficial Devices for Truncal Ablation Undergoing Trials. Lowell Kabnick et al (USA)
11.52 - 12.04 3.2 Are All Lasers And FA Devices Equivalent? Review Of The Literature. Alvaro Orrego (Chile)
12.04 - 12.16 3.3 Treating Varicose Veins with Conservative Surgical Techniques:  Insights from Our Practice.  Luminita Vescu (Moldova)
12.16 - 12.28 3.4 Concomitant Mini Phlebectomy vs. Staged  with  Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). Mohamed Mahmud (Bosnia - Herzegovina)
12.28 - 12.40 3.5 Open Redo Groin Surgery is Still a Valid Option for Groin Recurrence  Following Endovenous Ablations. Olle Nelzén (Sweden)
12.40 - 12.52 3.6 15 Year Experience in Laser Crossectomy. Imre Bihari (Hungary)
12.52 - 13.00   Discussion
    Lunch break
    VTE prevention and treatment (Chair: M Gloviczki, O Nelzen)
14.00 - 14.12 4.1 Management of High-risk Superficial Vein Thrombosis. Athanasios Gianoukas (Greece)
14.12 - 14.24 4.2 How Vascular Ultrasound can Help the Prevention or Effective Treatment of  Pulmonary Embolism? Zsolt Pécsvárady (Hungary)
14.24 - 14.36 4.3 Thromboprophylaxis after endovenous procedures: a survey in  Hungary.  Gabor Menyhei (Hungary)
14.36 - 14.48 4.4 Mini-invasive technologies (EVLT, RFA, Ultrasound-Guided  sclerotherapy) in the treatment of patients with superficial vein thrombosis on the   background оf varicose veins.  Sergei Shuchkin (Ukraine)
14.48 - 14.50   Discussion
    Servier symposium
14.50 - 15.05   Conservative therapy of CVD in the aspect of new RWE study and survey data. Zsolt Pécsvárady (Hungary)
    Postthrombotic syndrome and crural ulcer (Chair: Zs Pécsvárady, R Varghese)
15.10 - 15.22 5.1 Left ovarian vein transposition as a simplified surgical approach  for the treatment of nutcracker syndrome. Vladimir Kovacs (Slovakia)
15.22 - 15.36 5.2 How to manage Nut-cracker Syndrome? Nadjib Bouayed (Algeria) 
15.36 - 15.48 5.3 Removal of Spontaneous Palma-arch. Imre Bihari (Hungary)
15.48 - 16.00 5.4 EVLA in patients with venous ulcers. Sergei Karniyevich (Belorus)
16.00 - 16.12 5.5  Static Foot Disorders and Atypical Venous Ulcers in the leg. Roy Varghese (India)
16.12 - 16.24 5.6 Role of medical honey in medicine. Tanja Rucigaj (Slovenija)
16.24 - 16.36 5.7 Treatment of venous ulcers. Hakan Uncu (Turkey)
16.36 - 16.48 5.8 "Just a Quick Wound Treatment"- Leg Ulcer Based on Massive Lymphoedema Tamás Tóth (Hungary)
19.00 - 22.00   Gala Dinner (Separate registration required)




    Keynote lecture (Chair: I Bihari)
8.30 - 9.00 6.1 New results in lower limb haemodynamics. Sergio Gianesini (Italy)
    Conservative treatment (Chair: S Gianesini, I. Rozsos)
 9.00 - 9.12 7.1 Multimodality of  Sulodexide. Gyozo Szolnoky, Alejandro Gonzalez-Ochoa (Hungary, Mexico)
 9.12 - 9.24 7.2 Watch the heart in lymphedema: it varies under  compression. Gyozo Szolnoky (Hungary)
 9.24 - 9.36 7.3  Enhancing Wound Healing: Evaluating the Efficacy of Combined  Physical Therapies. Zbigniew Rybak (Poland)
 9.36 - 9.48 7.4  The impact of inflammatory markers and obesity in  chronic  venous disease. May it be inflammation and obesity management a new target in  improving treatment outcomes. Sergiu-Ciprian Matei (Romania)
 9.48 - 10.00 7.5 How To Breathe During Strengthening Physical Exercises - Functioning Of The Terminal Valve of the Saphenofemoral Junction During Normal Breathing, Valsalva Maneuvre And Ujjayi Breath Marian Simka (Poland)
    Poster session (6 min presentation followed by 2 min discussion) (Chair: M Simka, H Unku)
10.00 - 10.08 8.1 Cerebral venous thrombosis. Nadjib Bouayed (Algeria)
10.08- 10.16 8.2 Persistent sciatic vein in a patient with an episode of pulmonary  embolism. Oksana Riabinska (Ukraine)
10.16 - 10.24 8.3 Truncal varicosity in the shape of “S”: diagnosis and therapeutic  options. Attila Puskas (Romania)
10.24 - 10.32 8.4 Treatment of venous ulcers with foam sclerotherapy. Anel Okic (Bosnia - Hercegovina)
10.32 - 10.40 8.5 Using a Totally Implantable Venous Access Device in the   Presence of Pre-existing Internal Jugular Vein. Dimitar Andronov (Bulgaria)
10.40 - 10.48 8.6 Knee Phleboarthrosis Patients’ Quality of Life. Ernest Shcheglov (Russia)
10.48 - 10.56 8.7 Innovative Combined Approach in Endovenous Treatment of   Varicose Veins of the Lower Limbs. Nasrat M. Shah (Bulgaria) 
10.56 - 11.04 8.8 Therapeutically management of an obese patient  diagnosed with venous leg ulcer, the story of a quick healing – A case report. Sergiu-Ciprian Matei (Romania)
11.04 - 11.12 8.9 Features of the clinical course and treatment of relapse of varicose veins caused by reflux along the accessory small  saphenous vein. Umarov F.R. (Uzbekistan) 
11.12 - 11.20 8.10 An Open-Label First In Man Usability And Safety Investigation With An Intravenous Injection Technique To Deploy Tumescence During Laserablation Of The Great Saphenous Vein. Michael Akesson (Sweden)
11.20 - 11.50   Coffee break
    Aesthetic phlebology (Chair: Gy Szolnoky, T Rucigaj )
11.50 - 12.02 9.1 Unwanted Veins of the Forearm and the Hand: Treatment Options. Alexander Flor (Austria)
12.02 - 12.14 9.2  Aesthetic aspects of sclerotherapy, with a special reference to  hyperpigmentation. Éva Szabó (Hungary)
12.14 - 12.26 9.3 Decreasing skin inflammation after venous treatments through the  use of Broad Band IPL. Alvaro Orrego (Chile)
12.26 - 12.38 9.4 Treatment of Periorbital Veins with Long-Pulse Nd:YAG laser. Rolandas Dagilaitis (Lithuania)
12.38 - 12.40 9.5 Treatment of reticular and spider veins. Alexander Flor (Austria)
12.40 - 13.40   Lunch break
    Balkan Venous Forum Session (Chair: A Flor, A Puskas )
13.40 - 13.52 10.1 The role of great saphenous vein diameter on endovenous  thermal ablation outcomes.  Christos Karathanos (Greece)
13.52 - 14.04 10.2 The role of swab in detecting infection of chronic   wounds. Tanja Planinsek Rucigaj (Slovenija)
14.04 - 14.16 10.3 Innovative Combined Approach in Endovenous Treatment of Varicose Veins of the Lower Limbs. Nasratullah Mobarakshah (Bulgaria)
14.16 - 14.28 10.4 Perforator vein glue treatment with no immune response. Imre Bihari (Hungary)
14.28 - 14.40 10.5 Spontaneous iliac vein rupture. Petrika Gjergo (Albania)
    Endothermal methods (Chair: L Kabnick, S Shuchkin)
14.40 - 14.52 11.1 Is Compression Necessary Post Thermal Ablation of Truncal Veins. Lowell Kabnick (USA)
14.52 - 15.04 11.2 Microvawe surgery for varicose veins. Istvan Rozsos (Hungary)
15.04 - 15.12 11.3 The Role of Perforating Vein Intervention in Enhancing  Efficacy of Stripping and Endovenous Laser Ablation for Lower Limb Venous Insufficiency: A  Clinical Investigation. Hasib Mujić (Bosnia - Herzegovina)
15.12 - 15.24 11.4 EVLA with or without Miniphlebectomy? Algorithm or Art? Olga Pozniakova (Belorus)
15.24 - 15.36 11.5 Cryo and HIFU Cavitation (René Milleret, France)
    Liquid and foam sclerotherapy (Chair: E Szabo, Z Rybak)
15.36 - 15.48 12.1 Vulvar Varicose Veins - State of the Art. Frantisek Zernovicky (Slovakia)
15.48 - 16.00 12.2 Different Natures of Polidocanol Foam.  Alvaro Orrego (Chile)
16.00 - 16.12 12.3 Early Results of the Treatment for Saphenous Incompetence Using  “Sandwich” Application of Cyanoacrylate Glue Together with Foam Sclerotherapy. Marian Simka (Poland)  
16.12 - 16.20   Discussion
16.20 - 16.35   Closing remarks and awarding prizes (Another Phlebology Prize, v-WIN Prize) (Chair: S Gianesini, I Bihari)
    Oral presentations are 8 min long followed by 4 min discussion
    Poster presentations are oral, 6 min long followed by 2 min discussion
    The Organisers reserve the right to adjust or change the programme as necessary.

General information

Conference Venue

Mercure Budapest Castle Hill, Budapest, Krisztina krt. 41-43. 1013

Tel: 00-36-1-488 8100

Mercure Budapest Castle Hill| Comfortable Hotel in Budapest - ALL (



4-5 October 2024
4 October, Friday            9.00 – 17.30
5 October, Saturday        9.00 – 17.45


Registration Desk is open

4 October, Friday             7.30 – 18.00
5 October, Saturday         8.30 – 18.00

On Site Registration is available.


Hands-on course

US examination of deep and perforating veins.
Friday 4 October 8.00 – 9.00 

Not included in the registration fee


Congress Dinner

Hungarian Evening: Friday 4 October, 19.00 – 22. 00
Location: Mercure Budapest Castle Hill restaurant

Not included in the registration fee.


Congress Language

The official language of the conference is English.


Liability and Insurance

Neither the Organisers nor the Conference Secretariat will assume any responsibility whatsoever for damage or injury to persons or property during the Conference.
Participants are recommended to arrange their personal travel and health insurance.



The Organisers reserve the right to adjust or change the programme as necessary